Please download before you arrive. Again this year we will not have paper copies of handouts available at the Conference. You are asked to download the handouts for the session(s) you are registered for. You can either view them on your device during the session or print paper copies before you arrive. Whichever way works best for you!

Monday, Feb 23, 2015


New Research, New Standards…New Written Productivity Profile”, by Dr. Denise DeCoste
General Session - DeCoste New Research, New Standards New Written Productivity Profile PPT.pdf

| 1:00 – 4:00

  Evidence-based Strategies to Address Writing for All Students, Dr. Denise DeCoste
1 DeCOSTE - Evidence-based Strategies to Address Writing for All Students.pdf
1 - DeCOSTE - Instructional Planning Worksheet.pdf
1 - DeCOSTE - Instructional Planning Worksheet - WORD DOCUMENT

2  Cognitive Tools and Cognitive Prosthetics: Assistive Technology to Support Language, Learning and Cognition, Robin Shobe, ODE
2 - Shobe Cognitive Tools Cognitive Prosthetics.pdf

3  Accessible Educational Materials (AEM): Proactive Strategies Supporting Access to the Curriculum for all Students, Nancy Jo Vogel, OTAP
3 VOGEL Accessible Educational Materials AT Now.pdf

4  iOS: More Possibilities for Every Ability, Apple Education
4 APPLE EDUCATION links for session.pdf

If at all possible, you should bring an iPad updated to the latest version of iOS 8 and install the free iBooks and iTunes U apps prior to the session. Below are the links that will be used during the session:

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015

   The Threading of Accessibility Across Technology Platforms, Dan Herlihy, Connective Technology Solutions
5 HERLIHY - The Threading of Accessibility features Across Platforms ATNOW 2015.pdf

6    Play Adaptations for Students with Physical Challenges, Julie Wallace, Reynolds SD, Ruth McKee, Columbia Regional Program
6 - Change it Up - Wallace and Mckee.pdf
6 - Play Adaptations for Students with Physical Challanges - Wallace and McKee.pdf
6 - Voice Output Communication Aid Scripts - Wallace and McKee.pdf
6 - Venders for Play Equipment - Wallace and McKee.pdf
6 - Slat Directions - Wallace and McKee.pdf
6 - Rice Krispy Treat Script - Wallace and McKee.pdf

7   Shared Reading for Communication and Learning (this session will be repeated in the afternoon), Sam Sennott, PSU & Eric Sanders, Pacific University
7 and 11 Shared Reading Course Sennott and Sanders 2015.pdf

8   Two New Web-based Tools for Assessment and IEP Goal Development for Children with Complex Communication Needs! Melanie Fried-Oken, Charity Rowland, and Alexandria Cook, OHSU-CDRC
8 FRIED-OKEN, ROWLAND, COOK - Web-based Tools for Assessment and IEP Goal Development.pdf


   Switch Access for the iPad, Chromebook and Android, Dan Herlihy, Connective Technology Solutions, Inc.
9 HERLIHY - Switch Access for the iPad Android Chromebook AT Now 2015.pdf

10   Augmentative and Alternative Society: Environmental Prosthetics in a Digital Age, Lucas Steuber, West Linn Wilsonville SD
No handouts in advance but prepare for a highly interactive technology experience!

11   Shared Reading for Communication and Learning (repeat of morning session), Sam Sennott, PSU & Eric Sanders, Pacific University
7 and 11 Shared Reading Course Sennott and Sanders 2015.pdf

12   AT Teams and Changing Roles, Gayl Bowser, Assistive Technology Collaborations