After the Assessment Fall 2008
September 29- December 12, 2008 (Registration deadline: September 17, 2008)
Instructor: Gayl Bowser
Two credits offered through Portland State University - $220.00
Join us for an interactive internet class about assistive
technology implementation. After an IEP team
completes an assistive technology assessment and chooses
assistive technology tools for a child with disabilities, the work
has only begun. Implementation planning, inclusion strategies
and evaluation of the effectiveness of the assistive technology
program are essential if AT is to become a useful tool for an
assistive technology user. This course introduces the following
1. Re-SETTing after the assessment is complete
2. Aspects of assistive technology competence
3. Creating an environment for AT success
4. Evaluating effectiveness of the plan
The class will run for the spring term from March 31 through June
6, 2008. Students wishing to enroll in the class must have access
to a computer with internet capabilities. Weekly assignments and
discussions will take place on an interactive web site. Assignments
can be completed at any time. Students who enroll in the class will
be given a screen name and password for access to class discussion groups.
Print materials, including portions of Education Tech
Points: A Framework for Assistive Technology Planning and
How Do You know it? How can you show it? will be mailed to all students
For further information, contact Gayl Bowser by phone at 541-643-1861 or email: [email protected].
Gayl Bowser is the former coordinator of the Oregon Technology Access Program and an independent consultant. She has been an assistive technology specialist for over 20 years and is a nationally known for her work in assistive technology. Ms Bowser is co-author with Penny Reed of Education Tech Points which is the source of the print materials for the class.
ABOUT REGISTRATION Students wishing to register for the this class need to complete the form as well as the official PSU registration. Please indicate preferred payment options. Return both FORMS to OTAP. Please DO NOT send materials to PSU. Upon receipt of the above materials, we will send you print materials for the class and instructions to log on to the website. Your registration fee includes reading materials and two hours of credit through PSU. Pre-Register by March 14, 2008. Call Terry Christenson @ 541-440-4791 for more information or email at [email protected]